Who are we?

WE ARE a group of people who believe in Jesus and get together to learn about, encounter and respond to him through music, song, preaching, sharing life and having fun together.  We believe that God is real and he invites us to be in a friendship with him as he leads us to know him more and more.  We believe that the church is a place where his presence can be encountered and experienced every time we meet together – changing lives.  We are a group of very ordinary, everyday people – who know an extraordinary, outstanding God.

OUR CHURCH began in September 2009 as a church plant from West Coast Christian Fellowship in Vancouver, B.C.   Both these churches are linked to a larger network of Churches world wide, under “Salt & Light” ministries, linked through friendship, and common values and beliefs.

What to expect:

Warfield Community Church is made up of a diverse group of people following Jesus. Come and be relaxed, join in or just observe.

Our address for most gatherings is 1650 McLean Street, Trail.
isit our calendar for information on meeting dates, times, and locations.

We are thrilled to have many young children as a part of the church and look for ways to draw them into the action. 
We usually start our meeting with singing and responding to the amazing love of God that he has revealed to us in Jesus.  Often we have some kids songs and other songs that we sing together.  We believe that God speaks through his people, not just those who lead the meeting and look for ways to make room to hear what he is saying through one another.
We then have someone preach from the bible – we believe this is God’s word to us and we want to know and understand it more and more.  We believe it brings life and we look for ways to respond to what God is saying to us.
We enjoy hanging out together in an unhurried way after the meeting and throughout the year, we share potluck lunches together!


What we Believe:

More can be said than this about our local church, but here is a link to our Salt & Light family of Churches’ Core Beliefs and Commitments.